Saturday, February 21, 2009

Walking on Eggshells

We all have heard and experience this phrase. Living with someone who makes us feel like we must walk on eggshells around them leaves one quite shell-shocked! I just had to be "pun-ny".

Really though, the true reality is that no one can make you feel anything! If we are feeling like we must walk on eggshells then we are giving away our own choice to decide what reality we want to live in, ours or the other person’s.

I remember when I was in Basic Training in the U.S. Air Force. One day, with all of us new recruits at “attention” on the drill pad, the drill sergeant decided he needed to try to get in my face and scream about something. He didn’t ever seem to really need a reason, which was shown by his invitation to fight behind the barracks with me on the first day there, since I was the tallest and biggest guy. I assured him, he could be the big man!

Since I am 6’7” tall and he was only 5’11” he was on his tip toes trying unsuccessfully to put the bill of his hat in my face as the veins in his dark red face popped out as he screamed. I had done nothing wrong, but he had it to do apparently.

I was already 23 years old and had experienced a lot of rough men on offshore oilrigs and Mississippi riverboats, so I was completely unaffected by his screaming. As I stood there at rigid “attention” all I could think of was Gomer Pyle! Seriously, it was all I could do not to laugh at the situation, and I stood struggling not to grin. This made him even madder. Of course I would never, but I so could see Gomer saying “Well Golly Sarg!”

Do you see that we can choose our response? Do you also see that when we feel like we must walk on eggshells that the problem is in us and not the other person?
It is a cop-out to blame someone else for our response. No one can make you joyful. No one can give you self-esteem. No one can bum you out. No one can make you feel loved and appreciated.

You are not a product of your surroundings. You are a product of your own choices!

David Share

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Help Is Here!

“Are you sure you have seen someone as difficult to treat as I am?”

“Have you treated many people with my condition?”

“Why should I come to your clinic?”

Almost every person that contacts our clinic asks these same questions. They are great and important questions, since almost every one of these people have already been to literally twenty or more of the most celebrated doctors.

“I have frustrated every doctor and they don’t know anything else to do for me!”

We love treating these types of cases…our “Humpty Dumpty gang” the people whom “all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put back together again.”

The healing philosophy of American Biological Medicine and the seventy or more different healing techniques that have been rolled into one functional and dynamic system of natural healing is so unique and so profoundly powerful that we thrive on these types of patients.

If you are suffering, and tired of drug-induced illusions of health (the masking of the symptoms or the pushing around of the symptoms by pharmaceuticals) then let us help you!

You have suffered enough!

It is time to commit to doing what it really takes to heal your body, mind, and spirit completely…NOW!

Each person who comes to the Hansa Center for Optimum Health is put through our two week program of “Intensive Care.”

During these two weeks you are undergoing a full hour to hour and a half of hands-on, one-on-one time with one of our doctors everyday!

We are coaching you, training you, teaching you as we are working as fast and diligently on your body as possible.

Many people and doctors cannot comprehend what our doctors could possibly be doing for one hour every day for two weeks!

It is because we specialize in understanding the complete picture of interconnections of the every tissue, gland, and organ of the body.

And since we do not just specialize in one aspect of the body, such as a Cardiologist, Infectious Disease Specialist, or Rheumatologist, we have a lot of work to do, literally addressing every part of your body during that two weeks of intensive treatments.

“How long do you think it will take before I start noticing a difference?” Our standard answer is “We are bummed out if you are not feeling better in some way after your first treatment!” Yes, we achieve improvement that quickly even in the most stubborn of cases often enough that we do expect rapid results!

The most astute and celebrated physicians cannot heal even the simplest paper cut, much less serious diseases, like cancer, Lyme disease, M.S., strokes, or chronic fatigue!

Neither can we, however, with our pure philosophy of what our goals of treatment are…to identify anything interfering with your body’s natural ability to heal itself, and provide the body with the corrective building blocks and information it needs virtually any illness will just fall away as the functional integrity of the body is restored and maintained!

After your two week intensive, our doctors will give you a protocol for continuing your healing after you return home.

We are here for you when you are ready!

This is our passion and our mission to change the practice of medicine from simply creating Drug-Induced Illusions of Health to the truest and the purest philosophy of healthcare on the planet….........the restoration of your body’s integrity and function so that dis-ease by any name falls away!

I pray you all find great health and prosperity!

Dr. David Jernigan

Call or email us with any health questions.
Phone: 316-686-5900
E-mail: Share

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Keys to Optimum Health (Part 3)

I encourage you to read the first two parts of this series of posts if you have not done so as each blog is building up what I hope is a logical progression of thought.

For fourteen years we have specialized in the world’s toughest patients. About 90% of our patients come from other states and countries with all manner of “incurable” illnesses.

So I am sharing with you secrets of our remarkable success and many of the gems I have learned in treating literally several thousand of patients.

If you have to keep taking something, natural or prescription, in order to feel good then it is not fixing anything and you will be a slave to the medicine forever!

We all agree that the body, mind, and spirit are all interconnected and all interdependent. So if we create the drug-induced illusion that we are healthy in our body, when underneath the pill we are still sick, then our mind and spirit will be sick, no matter if you are symptom-free.

If the mind is sick through less-than-ideal thinking, imperfect “truths”, and stuck emotional conflicts then the body and spirit will also be dysfunctional. No pill can rewrite your truths.

If the spirit is sick through underdeveloped love, compassion, and darkness then the body and mind will be affected as well. No pill can mend a broken heart.

Remember our definitions of Optimum Health. Optimum Health is the product of living with the highest degree of functional integrity within the body, mind, and spirit. Optimum Health is manifested by the ability of the body, mind, and spirit to adapt instantly and correctly to any changes in its internal and external environment.

True Healing is the product of guiding and facilitating the restoration of integrity of every aspect of the body, mind, and spirit through thoughtfully applied physical treatments, natural medicines, and therapies, as well as through teaching and coaching one back to optimum health on all levels.

So, here are the Keys to Optimum Health:
Restore and maintain every aspect of the physical body.
Renew your mind by learning spiritual truths.
Be the personification/embodiment of perfect love.
When possible follow the joyful path and strive to help others do the same.

Dr. David Share

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Keys to Optimum Health (Part 2)

Last blog I defined Optimum or Perfect Health so that we all can be on the same page when it comes to identifying the keys of getting to this state.

In an ideal world each generation would have taught the next generation optimum realities of understanding the concepts of universal love, the concepts of understanding how one truly gets what it is that they are getting, how to grow and eat energetically “live” food, and so much more.

The point is that we are all playing “catch up” for all the mistakes, and mistreatment, and misinformation that has gone on in our lives and in the lives of our ancestors.

So we must realize first that true healing is necessary no matter whom you are and no matter if you have symptoms or not!

I cannot stress enough the need to only use healing methods that work with the sole purpose of restoring God’s perfect design of you.

I like the term “Vessel” instead of “body” since most of us were taught that all we are is our physical body. We are definitely more than our physical body!

The keys to Optimum Health must open the locks of every door in our vessel. The world’s most celebrated and astute physicians cannot heal even the simplest paper cut, much less serious illness. So the job of every physician/healer must always be to identify everything within the body, mind, and spirit that are interfering with the human organism’s own ability to heal and provide it with the building blocks and information it needs restore optimum function and integrity on all levels.

The healing technologies we now have, such as American Biological Medicine™, BioResonance Scanning™, and Circuit Healing™, allow us to literally access the light information of the body (Illuminated Physiology and the Medical Uses of Light).

We can now flow dynamically through the crystalline matrix of the vessel and identify virtually any interference to optimum function within a person and go even further and actually identify the corrective building blocks and/or information the body needs to heal itself.

Stay tuned because there is more to come… Share

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Keys to Optimum Health

Recently I was asked the question “Dr. Jernigan, what are the keys to perfect health?”

To answer this we must first define what “Perfect Health” really means. We definitely know that it is not the absence of symptoms, since feeling good is no guarantee of being healthy.

This point is clear with so many people are diagnosed with cancer and other illness that take years to become manifest, yet these people would say they were symptom-free for many years prior to their diagnosis.

I like the term “Optimum Health.” I like it so much that I put it in the name of my clinic…Hansa Center for Optimum Health!

Optimum Health is the product of living with the highest degree of functional integrity within the body, mind, and spirit.

Optimum Health is manifested by the ability of the body, mind, and spirit to adapt instantly and correctly to any changes in its internal and external environment.

True Healing is the product of guiding and facilitating the restoration of integrity of every aspect of the body, mind, and spirit through thoughtfully applied physical treatments, natural medicines, and therapies, as well as through teaching and coaching one back to optimum health on all levels.

True healing can never occur by simply masking the symptoms. It might as well be magic if one must take a pill forever in order to feel good.

If one takes the pill away, the reality is obvious…

Not only do you still have your problem but underneath the pill it has gotten worse. So the keys to Optimum Health cannot be found by creating Drug-Induced Illusions of Health!

I know I still have not answered the question of what are the keys to perfect health, so you will just have to come back to my next blog! Share